Friday, November 17, 2006

Stephen Fry was supposed to be on Ferguson tonight, but it doesn't say so in the cbs website. I hope he is. Yay. I get to get up at about 8:30 tomorrow to go to Kristen's house and help make 80-something pumpkin rolls/pies. It's one of our class's fundraisers. There's church overnight thing tonight-- going to a Cavs game, then bowling, ice skating, free stuff giving, and assorted awesome stuff that doesn't end unitl about 7 tomorrow morning. Or so. But it cost 50 bucks to go this year, and my parents said I'd have to pay for half of it. I'm cheap. I so wish I could have gone though. It was just about the best night ever the other times I've gone. At least I'll get to hear all about it, I'm sure, tomorrow at Kristen's house. Hehe. They'll be so tired. I bought Darlin' Allison from itunes today too. And listened to the newest theynow. I'm gonna go back and download them all. Eventually.

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