Thursday, January 29, 2009


I stole this, I did. From suchducks. meme.

These will be the rules on this journey:

1. Go to the page of your number one artist
2. Follow the link of it's number one similar artist
3. Repeat that for this artist and so on
4. Note down each artist
5. Do this until you've got to 50 artists

If you get any repeats, just go to the second similar artist or the nearest one that you haven't already had.'s related artist thing isn't very accurate in terms of style similarity. Just kind of like 'lots of people who listen to They Might Be Giants listen to Barenaked Ladies.'


1. The Mountain Goats
2. The Extra Glenns
3. Little Wings
4. Thanksgiving
5. Adrian Orange
6. Mount Eerie
7. The Microphones
8. Woelv
9. Karl Blau
10. The Halo Benders
11. Beat Happening
12. Tiger Trap
13. Talulah Gosh
14. Another Sunny Day
15. The Orchids
16. The Sea Urchins
17. Even as We Speak
18. The Field Mice
19. Blueboy
20. Brighter
21. Trembling Blue Stars
22. Aberdeen
23. Pants Yell!
24. The Aislers Set
25. Pipas
26. The Lucksmiths
27. The Guild League
28. Ruck Rover
29. The Mabels
30. Mid-State Orange (How fantastic a name is that?)
31. Poundsign
32. The Autumn Teen Sound
33. Brideshead
34. The Springfields
35. Action Painting!
36. Gentle Despite
37. Tramway
38. The Sweetest Ache
39. Northern Picture Library
40. The Hit Parade
41. Harvey Williams
42. The Harvest Ministers
43. The Sugargliders
44. The Poppyheads
45. Razorcuts
46. Mighty Mighty
47. The Siddeleys
48. Strawberry Story (The artist description, I think, is excellent:
"Strawberry Story are a fey bunch of dreamy, cardigan clinging romantics who sing about love, geeks and lemonade. They sound like candyfloss on a summer’s day, if you beat that candyfloss into the face of a smurf with the blunt end of your guitar while standing a little too close to the amp.")
49. Red Sleeping Beauty
50. Confetti

Okay. We go from sometimes-lo-fi folk-ishness to more lo-fi folk to indie rock to an 'all-female twee-pop foursome', weird, to more indie pop/twee to obscure indie pop to Australian twee pop to plain twee to Swedish twee to English twee, and we're done.

So, in conclusion, twee.

Also, "The (insert random-yet-slightly-cryptic object here)s" band name formula is very, very overused.

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